Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A date! Finally!

So okay, I'm not the greatest blogger. In fact, I hate writing, but I will do my best to catalog this important event in our life and the life of Hannah.

We worked very hard to get all of our paperwork ready and thought we would be traveling to get our daughter in July. Unfortunately, we found out that adoptions are not processed during July or August. It was almost more than I could take. It's like thinking your 8 months pregnant and then finding out that you're really only 5 months along. I told John that I would go crazy and we needed to plan a vacation, pronto! In less than a week, we planned an awesome vacation to Spokane, Washington and stayed at the Riley's cabin on Loon Lake for a week. was one of the most relaxing vacations I've ever been on and it did wonders to ease my anxiety.

I feel it was an act of God who mercifully made the next 2 months go by quickly. My only heartache was knowing that Hannah was still in her orphanage instead of being in our home. I spent the time painting her room, shopping for her clothes, remodeling her closet, shopping for her shoes, setting up her crib and bedroom furniture, and shopping for her dresses and hair bows.

In record time, September was here and I sent an email to our contact asking her to let us know the latest update on our progress. She let us know that she was meeting with the MO this week, and it would be easier to let her know when we were available to travel. We let her know our schedule, and this morning we received an email asking us if October 20 would work.

I was taking Alexander to school when I received a call from John. He asked me if I had anything going on on October 20th. I answered, saying that I knew that was the day Kenny was going into the Missionary Training Center, but other than that I didn't know of anything. I asked him if it was the evening that I needed to be available, and he said that no, it was more of an all day thing. I had no clue what he was trying to do. He then said that it was the date that we had been given for our appointment. I was shocked. I have no idea why it didn't click with me, but I will blame it on mom brain.

Now I have 6 weeks to go. It seems like an eternity now, but I know it will pass quickly. There is still a lot to do. We finally get to book our plane tickets. We finally get to find an apartment to rent. We finally get to tell people that we know when we're going to get our little girl.

I wonder how much of the language I can learn in 6 weeks?


  1. That's so exciting! Oh my gosh, we are SO happy for you guys! I hope that October 20th comes quickly and that the rest of this blessed event can continue with as few hiccups as possible. Good luck!

  2. Tears! I'm so happy for you. Six weeks sounds long to you because you are waiting for Hannah to come home. Six weeks sounds very soon to me because Kenny will be leaving home and has so much to complete before leaving. But what a happy day October 20 will be!

    How do you book your return plane tickets if you don't know how long you will be there?
